No matter what kind of air conditioning system you currently have, you need to keep the number of a reliable air conditioner repair company handy. Odds are good that if it is going to break down, your air conditioner will do it on the hottest day of the year. Adlem Mechanical knows air conditioners and all of their wonderful quirks. We can repair your existing air conditioner, and when it is time to consider a new one, we can help you choose the right replacement unit and provide professional installation services.



Today’s air conditioners are quieter, more effective and more efficient than ever before. Whether you are cooling off your home or your business, it’s important to таке the time to get the right air conditioner for the space. Your budget will, of course, be а factor, but consider that the initial expense of a higher-end air conditioner will pay you back over time with dramatically cheaper energy bills. We can review the options of the best air conditioning units for your house or your business to make sure you are getting all the cooling you need, at a price you can afford for years to come.



Maintenance and Repair

Of course the best way to make sure you don’t need to repair or replace your air conditioner is to keep it properly maintained. An annual maintenance call to inspect and clean the condenser, the evaporator coil and the air filters can help keep your air conditioner from breaking down in the first place. It’s why we recommend scheduling a maintenance call before the weather really heats up. However, if your air conditioner cries in protest the first time you turn it on for the summer, we can help get it running smoothly with expert, knowledgeable repair services. Adlem Mechanical is a qualified HVAC specialist in Kelowna. We know how to keep things hot when you need them hot, and cool when you need them cool. We only install top-quality air conditioning equipment to give you peace of mind in the times you need it most!

Service, Repair and Installations