About Us

Get in touch

Whether you are looking for plumbing and HVAC services in Kelowna or the surrounding area, at Vision, we see your solution.

What Sets Us Apart?

Geordie & Lisa Adlem are the owners of Adlem Mechanical, we are a young family with 2 children who are very involved in sports. We are active in our community and enjoy giving back to the local sports organizations, as well as our schools. We shop and support local small business here in Kelowna as we believe the small business community helps our little city flourish and grow.
Geordie has been in the trade since 1998 and has had the opportunity to engage in many training courses along the way, giving him great knowledge in the industry. In addition to Geordie’s certification with TECA Quality First Forced Air Guidlines, Adlem Mechanical is a fully certified, insured, and bonded company. We hold full certification in the HVAC trade, as well as valid certification with Technical Safety Authority for Gas Fitting. We have sold, repaired, and replaced many different product lines throughout this career and feel quite educated in the pros and cons of the different options available in today’s market. We are happy to make suggestions as well as answer any questions you may have pertaining to the many facets of HVAC.
We are relationship driven and are very proud to hold many valued partnerships with different organizations and allied networks like Fortis. Our staff is always chosen with care and attention to the needs of our customers’, both present and future. We are always open to any feedback or suggestions you may have, and welcome your calls or messages at any time.
We are different here at Adlem, every single customer is part of our Adlem Mechanical Family and is treated as such. You can be rest assured that when you call us for service you will get the truth, no upsell, just facts based on what we find. Your safety and comfort are our responsibility and the satisfaction of our clients is of utmost importance to us. We will always attempt to repair before we suggest you replace if the option is available, either way the choice is always yours to make.
Our business has been built on referrals and word of mouth since 2009 and we are very grateful for every single call we have ever received. We pride ourselves on our honesty, integral service is something we truly believe in. We keep our overhead low, we don’t drive brand new vans, we don’t lease a big store front, and we advertise on a budget to be able to pass the savings onto our customers’. Our economy is in a bit of turmoil and we understand how hard it is to make ends meet some days, so this is why we make it a Priority at Adlem Mechanical to be able to provide Quality at Value You Can TRUST! This my Friends, is What Sets Us Apart!!!


(250) 763-3491


24-hour emergency service, 365 days per year.


adlemmechanical@ gmail.com

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